Tag Archives: larry charlemagne

4 Questions With…Larry Charlemagne

I want this project to be an inroad for new people to pick up and read the Puritans but I also want it to be very honest.  The Puritans are not easy reading and some of them are really, really tough going.  This week’s “4QW” subject left a comment  that acknowledged this fact so I jumped on the opportunity to ask a few questions.  

1) What authors and books have you tried reading so far? 

 I’ve read Owen’s “The Glories of Christ ” “Sin & Temptation” & “Communion with God”, Edwards “Knowing Christ” and I’ve slogged through a few pages of “Freedom of the Will”. I’ve read a couple of abridged paperbacks: Watson and Alleine.

2) What is it about them that makes it tough to get through?
With Edwards and Owen it’s psychological I think because they are in another league. Edwards requires you to take baby steps and to build on each point. His language is difficult and you have to take your time to get along with him since he is so cerebral. Owen is intellectual and devotional at the same time. The puritans make you feel like you’re a baby but there is pleasure in reading them.

3) How did you get interested in the Puritans (why did you try reading them in the first place)?

Learning about the reformed faith lead me to them. Also it was recommended to maintain sexual purity.

4) Do you have any warnings or tips for someone who is about to try reading the Puritans for the first time?

Take your time and don’t try to follow every scripture as it’s presented or you won’t go anywhere (unless you know a lot of scripture and connect them well). Skip what you can’t understand and move forward. Remember these guys where writing in a different era and death was an immediate reality for them. Also, they may seem too austere at first but they are warm and inviting after you get used to them.

Thanks Larry for being willing to do this.  I hope this both encourages people to give it a shot and prepares them for the work ahead.

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